Peter A. McKay

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Welcome! I'm a New York-based creator with more than seven years' experience in marketing and content about web3. This site is my personal home on the web. To subscribe to updates on the site, check out my RSS feed here.

I also write the newsletter w3w, which grew out of the early stages of my web3 journey, as I thought it might be useful to share what I was rapidly learning at the time about blockchain tech and decentralization with other people interested in such stuff.

During the COVID pandemic, I served as Head of Content for the censorship-resistant platform Blogchain. I have also done contract work for the World Economic Forum, the Telos Foundation, Dispatch Labs, and Vice News. Previously, I spent over a decade as an award-winning markets reporter at the Wall Street Journal.

To reach me directly with feedback, a story suggestion, or other queries, please email peter[at]pmckay[dot]com.

If you prefer, I'm also reachable via LinkedIn or Twitter.