Peter A. McKay

Hello, world.

I'm launching a new self-hosted blog. Note, the adjective there is really important. 😼

Everyone needs a space of their own on the web, of course -- one not controlled by the major platforms. With that in mind, I already own my own domain, along with a server and a homepage for it.

Now I'm adding a subdomain as a dedicated writing space, with plans to update periodically there about whatever I'm interested in, enable RSS subscriptions, etc.

For now, it's entirely a static site that's manually updated, for the dev sorts who are interested in such stuff. But I plan to build my own (very lightweight) CMS as well over time, gradually automating certain creative tasks as I go. So this is a way of comitting myself to that work as well.

I should also mention here that I've previously used a few open platforms, notably WordPress, for this sort of purpose. Nothing against them, but I just feel like a purer homebrew approach suits me at this point.

I'm beyond excited to see where it goes.